Anyways, I was looking at DIY (stands for Do It Yourself for those who don't know the lingo) and Crafts and found a few things that I really want to do to make my room that much more liveable (IT IS REALLY UGLY RIGHT NOW!)... maybe someday I`ll post some pics of my room ;)
So, once I started I could not stop, and I repinned a few hundred pins... oops lol. It was 1 am by the time I left my computer to start one of the crafts, which was jewelry organizers covered in fabric. See, my drawer that I keep it all in was way to jumbled and I swear I spent more time looking than actually applying.
The finished product |
I cut two pieces per box. One that was long enough to go all the way around and high enough to cover the outside and inside with extra to spare. And the second piece covered the bottom of the box with extra for "seams". The more boxes I made, the better I became, so don't be discouraged if you try this and the first box looks terrible :P
Of course this is the first DIY that I have ever posted.... so I forgot to take before pictures... (so stupid of me!)
So here is the finished product!
Alright, and on to the second DIY. As I was sitting on my bed, I looked up and realized my lamp was hideous... so I decided to change it up.
I went on a search of the fabric.... but couldn't find the right thing, until I saw the tub marked LACE and I knew I had hit the jackpot. I found a huge old lace curtain that worked perfectly. I also decided that teh bottom of the lamp was a hideous blue color, so I painted it with acrylic paint... I'm not sure if I should have used something differently cause I found it hard to paint on. Might have to redo it soon, but for now it looks amazing!! I also put on a sealer coat of clear gloss finish. Once it was dry I added a red ribbon, and thought I was done.... but was I wrong or what.
It looked to simple and plain, so I searched the basement, and found the perfect thing! BUTTONS. I grabbed black ones, and white, gold and bronze. With a mixture of shapes and sizes I began to glue them down, and the finished product is something I am quite happy with :D
Well I am done for the night, and I hope to continue to post some more DIY crafts that I do in my free time! I'll keep you updated <3
Feeling Crafty,
Not-So-Princess Lizzy
Way to go girl!!!! Your DIY projects are sensational! Seriously, you're so talented and creative :) Keep it up and let's get together and CREATE! Love your blog!
AWE thanks Christa! We definitely should! Just so you know your home got me into the crafty mood lol
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