Monday, September 05, 2011

I am too young for this!!!

This has got to be the freakiest thing that I have ever done! I am in college!! Like that is just so weird. I have officially moved into dorm rooms at Columbia Bible College. I never really considered how different it would be. For now, I don't think it has really hit yet. I have just been kinda living it out here, but it feels almost like I am at camp and I will go home soon.

I am not sure how long it will take for it to be more real. Unfortunately though I have some issues to figure out with financial stuff. I am not going to bore you all to tears with the boring sad details. It will hopefully get sorted out in the next day or two, but if not, I definitely need some prayer... but you if you aren't a prayer person, that is fine. I know that some people are totally against religion, and I have to say, so am I, but that is for another conversation.

Back to my dorm. I have an awesome dorm buddy. Her name is Jessica and she is the sweetest person alive. Strangely enough we have a lot alike, which is really nice. The coolest thing happened. Her uncle called her and said he was getting her a fridge, so now we have a fridge in our dorm! So I know that I am totally being lame and boring. Sorry about that.

Living in dorm has been so much fun so far, and I am looking forwards to the rest of the year though. Totally a strange experience, but one that I would not change for the world.

So SKYPE has become my new best friend. It is pretty awesome. Due to the fact that I have a long distance relationship with my boyfriend I will be using it a lot. Unfortunately the internet has been acting up. I hate it when it does that. Why do they have wireless if it will take forever to fix itself?? (so frustrating) But enough complaining. SKYPE is so nice to have, and if any of you ever are long distance from someone it is great because it doesn't cost anything and you get to see them. Although it is not as good as actually seeing them, it is still pretty cool.

So I am super tired and there have been so many orientation things the last couple days that I am exhausted. I will talk to you later.

Not-So-Princess Lizzy

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