Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I used to laugh with my friends. BOYS!! What did we need with them? I am pretty sure that is what all girls say when they are either frustrated with a guy or wishing they had a boyfriend. How do I know?? Cause I was a part of it all. No guy ever approached me wanting to take me on a date. Was it because I was too pretty or ugly, or they were scared about what I would say, or maybe they all thought I wasn't worth it. I don't know.

I probably never will know the truth, but I do know that boys bring way to many problems into a girls life. I mean this summer started out fine. I went to my grandparents to help out like any good granddaughter would do right?? Suddenly I start  texting this guy I met last christmas and he asks me to be his girlfriend. I felt too special to say no, but now I am stuck in a rut!

I mean. It was great. We really liked each other, we both believe in Christ, only there is a slight problem. When I go to school in a week and a half I will be 1000 km away. What am I supposed to do now?

I finally have my first kiss and now I am supposed to be apart from him till Christmas? In addition to all of this I don't want to hurt him. He is like no other guy. He treats me special and will give me a hug and hold my hand whenever possible. I thought that guys like this didn't exist!

I don't think I know myself because of everything my family has been through the last couple of years. I really have had to step in and be a parent a lot of the time, and because of that I haven't had the chance to discover who I am. Is having a long distance relationship the best thing for me right now? The only thing I can do right now is pray and maybe if someone looks at this give me some advice. I don't want to hurt him at all, but I don't think I have a choice.

My parents don't know because they would probably think I am crazy, but I am thinking that it might be best to talk to my mom. If anyone wants to stop me, I advise you to do it now.

Feeling not so princessy due to stress,


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