Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Lasting Legacy

Sorry for the pause between my posts. I have had the most busy week of my life. No joke. Let me tell you about it.

From July 16-20th I had VBS at my church. This means that I was up at 5am and wouldn't get to sleep till super late. Oh. I just realized that some of you may not know what VBS is. It stands for Vacation Bible School. It usually lasts a week and is jam packed with fun songs, activities, stories, crafts, games, and videos. Kids just love to learn more about God during this time, and the easy Bible points and verses make it easy for them to remember.

So anyways, I was just working with my church for VBS. The week before was so busy, I worked 70 hours. I don't know if I could have survived one more hour! Then this week came along and I worked another 60 hours. I don't know how I did it, but with God's assistance I made it out alive.

Who knew VBS takes so much planning? We did SKY, where everything is possible with God. It was all about Trusting God through everything. No matter who you are, how you feel, what people say, what happens, or where you are... you need to TRUST GOD!

This year we had 98 kids that came! This was way more than ever before, and many of them had never seen a bible or heard about Christ Jesus, who had died for them. The Gideon's sent us New Testament Bibles, which we got to give to all of the children as well.

It was funny though, Satan was definitely hard a work around us. He sent people to complain about the stupidest things; the food, money, and other inconsequential details. It was definitely a time to practice patience and trust.

Something that I was reminded of today during bible study is that we are leaving a legacy behind us, but what kind are we leaving? I thought of VBS and how the children look up to the leaders. I had a main part in VBS, being a leader on stage. Each morning of VBS there was a skit that took place, and I had the privilege to be the main character. The kids saw me throughout the morning, and would always say hi to me, tell me they loved me and thought I was funny.

The more I think about this, the more I realize that I need to leave that kind of impression everywhere I go. I need to live out my faith in God, be the best I can be so that others can learn from my experiences and examples, and eventually turn their life over to Christ.

So the bible study today about having a good lasting legacy made me think about how I am acting around others and what people remember about me when I am no longer around. Maybe I need to start to consider changing the legacy I am leaving... Just some food to chew on.

Pondering life
Not-So-Princess Lizzy


Sarah McBride said...

Wow. That's pretty deep. And so true! I'm glad you shared your experience and thoughts on the Bible study :)

And I like your style of writing, btw!

Unknown said...

Thanks Sarah :) God has blessed me with a gift and I am glad I can share my experiences with others.