Sunday, September 25, 2011

Boyfriend Trouble

Do any of you who have boyfriends ever wonder if it is going to work out? That is what I am going through right now. I mean, my boyfriend is great, but we are so far apart. I just don't know how this is going to work. I knew him for like a year before I started dating him, but I had only really seen him for 4 days before I actually accepted his request to be his girlfriend. I know that is confusing so I will break it down for you.

We met at my uncle's place last Christmas. I was visiting and my cousin had invited his friends over, so he was there. We saw each other for like four days and I kinda liked him. We didn't talk to each other for a long time, until this past summer we started texting each other, and then all of the sudden he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was a girl craving male attention, so what did I do?? I of course said yes. When we saw each other again I was super excited to see him and we hung out for about 5 days. After that I had to go back home.

The thing is. He lives in Saskatchewan. I live in BC. So now I am going to college and he is back in Saskatchewan and he doesn't know if he wants to come out here next year for college and I know I can't go out there because I can't transfer my program. I really like him and all, but really, what am I supposed to do??? I keep asking myself and I even asked my oldest brother what I should do, and all he said was that I would know. I don't know if I want to stay with him forever or if I want to live my whole life with him. We have been dating for about a month and a half, and I am not sure what to do.

Do I continue going out, or do I be honest with him? I am so scared to hurt his feelings. I know that at this point he likes me more than I like him, but I am not sure that being in a relationship is what is best for me right now. I am honestly trying to discover myself here at bible college, so how am I supposed to be in a relationship with someone and trust them not to hurt me, when I am not sure who I am myself. Am I acting, or is that me? I don't know!

Another thing is that I am a very physical person. I like to be able to see the person in front of me, and I like to be able to cuddle. How am I supposed to survive without having them there? I am really struggling and honestly don't know what to do.

Relationship issues,
Not-So-Princess Lizzy

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