Saturday, December 24, 2011

Even More Confused

It seems I have been extremely bad with keeping up to date on my blogs. I have been going to college for the past 3.5 months, and if any of you have gone to college, you will know that it is not easy. I had so much homework that after a while I had no drive to actually write in my blog and even stopped reading novels, which will come as a surprise to many people who actually know me.

Anyways, I suppose I should fill you all in on my life. I broke up with my boyfriend. After all of the troubles that I had, I just couldn't deal with it. I was just too stressed out with who I was and not really knowing me at all. He ended up being immature in the end. If any of you can actually believe it, he refused to Skype or call me, so I broke up with him over text. YES! Text. My roommate was so mad she was threatening to get his cell number and call him herself. A guy shouldn't do that to a girl should they? I mean, I think that he thinks bad about me because I could not properly explain myself to him. How am I supposed to say what I am thinking when I am not very good at texting T9, and I have a limited amount of space per text, and he doesn't text back with anything useful to say. So that is my rant. I must warn all you girls out there, don't date someone that is the same age or close to, your own age until they are at least 20 because they are way to immature for you. Guys take longer to mature, which is a known fact, so don't settle for less than you already have.

So what else can I tell you? I know. I am so confused about this friend of mine. About a year and a half ago we were in the same class together, and I have to say that I really liked him. We would always tease each other and he tried to make fun of me so much. We had an easy friendship, and what can I say, I almost wanted it to be more. We would talk on Facebook for so long, but not long after we were talking he told me about this other girl he liked. Eventually they started dating, and what was I suppose to do.

Like any good girl, I backed off and became a friend for him, the ear that he needed. Some people were jealous and spread rumors about the girl he was dating. After a while of us talking and me trying to comfort him the best I could, he found out that some of the rumors were true. She had been cheating on him and had many risque relationships. He took it so hard, and I didn't know what to do for him except become his friend. We talked to late hours of the night. My friends at school began to tease me saying I liked him, but of course I denied it. I couldn't tell him that I liked him, not after his heart had been broken.

We drifted apart when he moved away, but suddenly he starts talking to me two weeks ago. We talk a lot now, and if I don't reply to a text after a while he will send me another one. I don't know what to think. Does he want something else from this relationship? Does he know how I felt before? I feel guilty for thinking about someone about a month after I broke up with my previous boyfriend, but I know this guy so much better than the other one. Do I risk something, when I don't know what is going to happen in my future due to money. I am so uncertain again. OF COURSE. It always happens to me this way. I get so confused. I just wish it would all be resolved.

As a girl I guess we always wish that guys liked us, but we don't want the consequences of what would happen if they did. I really want him to like me, but I don't know what I would do if he did. Ya know. Life is so confusing. I just don't know what to do and I wish that someone would help me with this. I continually pray, but I have to say, since it is Christmas it is hard to figure this out.

So once again I am lost and trying to figure this out on my own. Being home for Christmas is great, but I must say that I miss my roommate a lot and can't wait to get back. I will wait till this ridiculous season passes and I figure out a little bit more about me and my God this Christmas and then I will try and decipher where this relationship is going and what it means that he is seeking me out.

I have to go now, we haven't decorated the Christmas tree, and this year I have been designated to put the lights on. LUCKY ME! :P Everyone in my family hates that job, so I best get it done with. Thanks for listening to me ramble.

Once again, Lost and Confused,
Not-So-Princess Lizzy

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